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Free Resources

Start unraveling the mystery of your child today with Kelly's favorite  FREE resources:

Our First Years Matter

Developmental Trauma Disorder article by

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk



Childhood trauma affects a person's daily functioning  well into adulthood. 

Discover Yourself

Fun & easy game to explore your childhood story. Download 


In minutes, you'll gain new insight into your past, and see how it affects your beliefs.

The Orgins of ADHD

The complete book, "Scattered"
by Dr. Gabor Mate'

Explore the myths of ADHD and how emotions affect our physical and mental health. 

Super Hero or Villain?

Is your child stuck in

their stress response? 

Simple Test


Most people are unaware  that they are stuck in their stress response. 



Primitive Reflexes

Dr. Masgutova's indepth 

research on the importance

of Primitive Reflexes

Many simple basic skills

are dependent upon the integration of reflexes.

Kelly's Favorite Recipe

Super easy recipe that is

grain and sugar free.  

Banana Bread Recipe

The best thing, these tasty delights won't crash your

blood sugar in the morning.

Change Your Thoughts

Dr. Daniel Amen's

Negative Thought

Eliminator Worksheet

When we change our thoughts we can change

our mental health.

improve Brain health 

Put steps into action with our 4  Pillars to Brain Health 

Quick Start Guide 


The perfect first step to improving your physical and mental wellness! 

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