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Building Strong Family Connections

In today's active and distracted world , it's common for parents and children to become disconnected from one another. With busy schedules, screen-use, and the pressures of everyday life, it's important to take the time to nurture and strengthen the bond between parent and child.

And, it's even easier to neglect our spiritual connection in the chaos and busyness of our physical world.

 While we may say we believe in God as Christians, we often spend very little time with Him. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, resentment and lack of direction. It's easy to get pulled along the waves of life as we try to stay afloat, letting the chaos direct our path.

The secret to connecting with our children begins with God.

However, the secret of connection begins with God. When we establish a meaningful relationship with Jesus, it allows us to tune into our soul. And, as we pour our heart out to our Father, asking for His guidance, it helps us align our parenting and interactions in a loving and respectful way.

Here are some suggestions that will help you connect with both your child and God:

1. Quality Time: A great way to build a close bonds with your children is to prioritize quality time, carving out at least 10 minutes with each of your children on a regular basis. Whether a teen or toddler, and every age in between, our kids crave our attention and need our support. Have fun with them and share the best of who you are, and allow your child to share their thoughts and ideas, too.

When my kids were little, I spent 15 minutes before before bed talking about our day or anything else they had on their mind. Then, we moved onto prayer and reading time.

When we prioritize connection, we lay the foundation for open communication, trust, and mutual respect.

As they got older, my daughter loved it when my husband took her out on coffee dates. She'd sip hot chocolate and they had a great time getting to know each other on a personal level. My kids and I often cooked together and have created fond memories. My daughter and I still love cooking together to this day.

When building connection, spending time together in every day moments is what matters. With my son, we often found ourselves talking into the wee hours of the night while everyone else slept. This is one of my favorite memories.

Strengthening our faith also starts by carving out regular time with God. When we bring our worries and gratitude to Him, focusing on His word, it makes staying connected with our God so much easier throughout the day.

These moments of undivided attention with your children and God can have a profound impact on your relationships and the quality of your life.

When building connection, spending time together in every day moments is what matters.

2. Active Listening: One of the most precious gifts that we can give our children is to make them feel heard. In a world of constant noise, where everyone is waiting for their turn to talk, the true art of listening can be hard to do if not done intentionally . Active listening is when we focus on our child, putting aside all distractions.

When your child is speaking, truly listen. Put away distractions, make eye contact, and show genuine interest in what they have to say. Reflect back their thoughts and feelings to let them know you understand and validate their experiences. This simple act of listening fosters trust, self worth and confidence which is at the core of connection.

Listening to God is just as important. Often we can get stuck in a cycle of always being the one who is is talking and requesting, but leave time for God to answer. He speaks in so many different ways, through our thoughts, other people, nature, and the things we see and hear.

Once we get into the practice of listening to our child and God, communication becomes clearer, and it brings us closer.

3. . Emotional Support: As parents, it's important to create a safe space for our children to express their emotions. Encourage them to name their feelings with accurate words, and validate their experiences without judgment.

Once we get into the practice of listening to our child and God, communication becomes clearer, and it brings us closer.

Offer comfort and support when they're going through tough times, and celebrate their successes and achievements. Lead by example. When we are emotionally available, we show our children that we are there for them no matter what.

It goes the same with God. We don't have to know all the answers. And, as God's children, He cares about us immensely . He can handle all our anger, frustration and fear. Be sure to pray and ask for what you need, letting God be your source of comfort and validation.

4. Shared Activities: A family that plays and prays together stays together. Find common interests and engage in activities that you and your children enjoy. Whether it's reading books together, creating art, or cooking a meal, camping, or pickle ball, shared activities provide opportunities for bonding and creating lasting memories. These shared experiences can strengthen your connection and create a sense of belonging.

Our family loves to camp and go on road your trips and we did this when the kids were little until they were adults. I have a wall in our house of our favorite photos from our adventures. Just about every day, whether its my husband, children, or myself, we pause and look at these framed memories of our time together with delight.

A family that plays and prays together stays together.

Prayer can be another activity that supercharges your family connections. When you create regular time to pray together, it strengthens family relationships and invites God into your life in a meaningful and powerful way. It helps to show your children that no matter what they may be going through, there is always hope with God in overcoming the impossible.

5. Seek Professional Help: If you're facing challenges in your parent-child relationship, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Often, when you put supports into place to help your child, you may avoid a crisis later on. Sometimes, just finding the right information and implementing new habits can make a big difference in improving the quality of your relationships.

Unlocking the power of connection is a lifelong journey, but the rewards are immeasurable. By investing in your relationship with God and your children, you are not only creating a strong bond, but also laying the foundation for their emotional well-being and future success.

Be sure to check out our website for more in depth information: books, podcast, resources, and trainings. Register for a Discovery call and figure out the next step you need to take in nurturing strong family bonds.

Extraordinary Parent-Child Connections begin with you. We are here to support and guide you every step of the way. Together, let's create connections that last a lifetime.

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